LifePlay v5.12 Released & New Modding Etiquette Guidelines!

Change Log:

- This is the third Kink of the Month update for September (unlucky loser given some love), focusing on Sex Worker.

- If you're impregnated by a John or a male sex worker who you never keep in touch again, the father won't be involved in the discovery or birth scenes.

- If the player character has an OnlyFa ns, they can be approached by a fan who offers to pay to perform with them for content

- If you're part of a sorority/ fraternity, you may get convinced to sell your body to various professors of the university to help raise funds. Most are from other departments, but occasionally you may run into one of your own professors. Sometimes, a fellow Greek brother/sister may join you.

- If you're in prison, as part of penal labour, you may agree to be pimped out to inmates (of appropriate gender) instead, which will eventually lead to a reduction in prison term for good behavior.

- If your cash balance is a large negative number, you may be pressured into sex work by your loan shark until the majority of the debt has been paid off.

- When calling a hooker or looking for one in a brothel, you may get a special offer from a pimp for some new blood. It then becomes obvious that this new sex worker is from a third world country and has been trafficked here. You may not care and just use them anyway, or try to rescue them by intimidating the pimp or paying a ransom.

- If the 'Rap... music' module is enabled, you may be forced to listen to rap music and not paid. If you have high martial, you can flip the situation and rob the perpetrator instead. Or, you can have someone to protect you to prevent this, but they'll take a cut of your income.


Also, I've decided to adopt the following guidelines for the modding community to prevent frustration and conflicts for those involved. A copy of this can be found in the Docs folder included in every game releases, next to the Modding docs folder itself.

Etiquette for Modders and Mod Users:

- Modders are not obliged in any way to continue working on their mods; and while mod users are free to make suggestions to modders, it is ultimately up to the modders whether and when to update their mods. Abusive behavior towards modders will not be tolerated.

- When sharing your mod, include a description of what the mod does. If you want to allow other modders to expand on your work freely without needing to ask for your permission, please state so explicitly either inside the description or as a 'License' text file among the mod files themselves.

- Any files in Vinfamy's base modules or Mysterious Modder's unofficial modules can be modified and used in your own mods without asking for permission.

- If a modder wants to modify and upload another modder's mod as part of your own work, they must ask for permission unless permission has already been granted explicitly to everyone. If requested by the original modder, credit must be given.

- The exception is to the above is where a modder can no longer be contacted and a mod has been abandoned or no longer compatible with the current version of LifePlay. In this case, another modder is entitled to update and reupload it along with a disclaimer that an effort has been made in good faith but in vain to contact the original modder.

- A 'stolen' mod using someone else's mod content without permission may be removed at the request of the original modder.


v5.12 (8 October) - folder
Oct 08, 2022
v5.12 (8 October) - Other Mirrors
Oct 08, 2022

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(2 edits)

I don't want to be the bad boy, but lets say theoretically, that a so called mod is "dead" for more than x years (I mean there are no more improvements to it), and I use some bits from the "dead" mods for my own entertainment, or I improve them for myself, is that stealing, in case if we are talking about an open source, moddable, etc. etc. software?

Can you explain this please?? 

 "If the 'Rap... music' module is enabled, you may be forced to listen to rap music and not paid. If you have high martial, you can flip the situation and rob the perpetrator instead. Or, you can have someone to protect you to prevent this, but they'll take a cut of your income."

i have a feeling this is a event with unconsensuael sex (most of the words there in the first bit the ... is were something belongs.) EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!